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Suzy Griswold Interview and Q&A

Suzy Griswold – Interview and Q&A 6/30/20

3:30 What led up to Suzy’s diagnosis? High cholesterol, overweight, multiple prescription medications. In 2009 her doctor felt a nodule; was scheduled for hysterectomy when found tumor on her thyroid. Got surgery and removed thyroid gland.

Recommended treatment after that was radiation. Follow up scan found 3 lymph nodes lit up.

Had time to think and pray because it was Christmas time.

Lost 10 people to cancer in her family and didn’t want to end up like them.

6:57 Why she got sick? Grew up in Texas and fried everything. Had a Snickers bar with Coke for breakfast, ate fast food regularly.

8:10 Also, her soul was sick. Unforgiveness, grief, control.

8:50 Why she’s grateful for her cancer.

10:30 Coffee enema story and time for Bible reading

12:17 Suzy has her Master’s degree in Public Health – how that impacted her perspective medically. She is a truth seeker, wants to know more about things.

13:52 She realized something was wrong, prayed to God for help.

14:25 How the book Knockout influenced her thinking and research

16:40 Her treatment decision was between her and God; she chose to follow the Gerson Therapy

17:15 Found a lung nodule the following summer; hadn’t taken the therapy seriously but started to do it full-out from then on. After 3 weeks

18:10 Cut out toxic people from her life

19:00 Her husband finally came around to agreeing with her treatment choice

19:40 A few months later her lymph nodes went down; 18 months before no evidence of disease

20:17 Suzy’s daily regimen on the therapy – freshly squeezed orange juice, oatmeal with green apple; coffee break three times per day

22:25 Suzy kept costs to a minimum and chose not to get a fancy juicer; used the resources and information she had and didn’t feel peace about

Used Breville juicer; juiced 8-10 times per day, then 8; for lunch had salad and steamed veggies; Hippocrates soup with spicy tomatoes – Suzy is a spicy girl!

Worked her schedule around her work and boys’ soccer schedule. Set up her house for healing. Did devotions every day. During coffee breaks she listened to worship music

26:25 CD by Lary Hutton ministries

27:55 Suzy took a nap when she needed to but 3-4 months in she felt great; lost 20 pounds

28:40 What Suzy believes healed her – we are body, soul and spirit; many people do all the correct physical work but not the spiritual work of surrendering and don’t get well.

30:30 We have to be surrendered to find peace.

31:10 We need to read the Good Book

There’s nothing good that has

32:02 Survivors study

32:30 Fear of failing on the therapy versus accepting grace and moving forward

33:00 Cortisol is lower when we’re surrendered

34:00 How HealingStrong came together!

35:57 Suzy had an idea for a website but didn’t know how to do it, but the Lord provided

37:30 Jesus never did anything alone; we’re better and stronger together. Put on a retreat and far exceeded expectations for how many people would come. People wanted to do mini HealingStrong conferences and they knew what they wanted to teach.

39:50 Focus on all the great things to think about rather than the negative


42:30 We are spiritual beings in physical bodies

44:50 HealingStrong’s mission and vision? Approach every day in prayer seeking the next steps.

They want people to get connected and not be alone!

46:02 Teach holistic principles and from the Word of God

46:30 Go to or and

47:15 Expanding and now have a membership platform (

49:10 How people can pray for HealingStrong – for the group leaders for wisdom to help serve their communities the best


52:12 (Geoff) Juices

Yes, green juices and super green (Kyo Green) – read book by Anne Fraihm in carrot juices.

53:08 Where to get coffee enema supplies?

BPA free bucket; Café Mam coffee (light roast)

(Bailey’s note – ebook with link to enema buckets)

54:12 Video on how to do coffee enemas with Dr. Vickers and Chris Wark:

55:12 Beta glucan? Yes, did it but not as much now due to cost of son in college; Selenium; Iodine; Potassium (to flush out potassium); B vitamins; medicinal herbs for neck tremors; Vitamin D3 at least 10,000IU per day; vitamin C

The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow

59:00 How long on the therapy? 18 moths? Reduced to 5 juices and 2 enemas per day for a long time; goes in and out of juice fasting; does water fasting – at least 3 days, up to 10 days. But has kidney stones and they hurt a lot when she’s fasting. Did not water fast when she was healing but it’s so so powerful.

Dr. Anja Sonst teaches on water fasting for the HealingStrong leaders.

Still does enemas during water fast, usually 2 per day.

10-day fast – probably wouldn’t do again

1:05:29 Usually does a 5-day fast; stays in bed or rests

1:06:30 Joanne did a 7 day fast and after day 3 she got her energy back; there are also Facebook groups on Facebook

1:07:05 Squamous cell carcinoma still growing, did Gerson diet, Square One diet (Chris Wark’s diet); doesn’t want to do the diet but needs to keep moving forward (yes)

1:08:10 Prayer every Monday at 9am and 10am HEAL Bible study

1:10:37 Prayer! <3

1:14:25 Praising God for Suzy

1:15:50 Hebrews 10:39 But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul.

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