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Highlights from HealingStrong Live and watch it today!! :)

Hi, Friend!!

I am so excited to share with you who didn't get to see HealingStrong Live that the livestream is available to all for free today!! Suzy removed the password requirement so all you need to do to access the recording is go to

Tomorrow it will be taken down but at some point in the future it will be available for purchase!

Here's the schedule so you can find what you'd like to watch. One of my favorite most heartwarming parts was watching Chris and Cortney's interview and rebounding demonstration in the afternoon session. Chris and Cortney are like an older brother and sister figure to me and their relationship to each other is endearing. It was funny too, as at one point Chris jumped on a mini trampoline while Cortney directed him on how to work out with 2-pound dumbbells. Quite the sight! :D

My interview with Chris is at 1:34:30-1:51:00 in the video. It was my first time speaking at an event like this and I pray that the words I spoke will point you to true hope. I don't typically like watching back videos of mine but this time at least I enjoyed a little comic relief - I had a little boogie in my nose that you could see almost the whole time!!! How embarrassing, but funny, lol. Lesson learned...

Rebekah Van Tinteren led the audience in a time of encountering God at the end of the day; it was soothing to the soul.

While I didn't get to see the entire conference because I was backstage for parts of it, I heard most of it and from what I saw and heard many seeds of hope were planted.

You were created to Heal Strong - watch the whole program here!!

With love,


Sneak peek at HealingStrong Live 2018
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