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Transitioning Home from Treatment in Mexico (video)

Hi Friend! :)

This time of year 7 years ago I was transitioning to being home after receiving 3 weeks of alternative cancer treatments in Mexico. It wasn't an easy time, and I explain why in the video above...

- I missed my fellow cancer-fighters in Mexico

- I missed the kitchen staff who made all my 13 juices, 3 meals and 3 coffee detox preparations each day

- I was tired and in pain

- I was worried I wouldn't find the help I needed

Fortunately however because of people in my community, my family and the grace of God I was able to get what I needed.

I don't know what your situation is like but I know that God knows! And He will provide for your every need. You may not get all the help you want or think you need, but even without those things, God can and will still work in your life.

Some resources you may find helpful:

- (to create a schedule for things you need help with and for people to sign up to help you)

- (for fundraising ideas and tips)

- ACS "Road to Recovery" program for people in the US who need help getting to and from treatments

- for education and moral support from fellow cancer-fighters

Whether you're struggling through cancer or something else, keep going. Keep the faith, and never give up! Miracles happen!! :)

Have a fantastic day!


P.S. Don't forget about my remission anniversary/birthday contest. ;) Whoever donates the most Believe Mugs by Easter Sunday, April 1, will receive a free consultation and a Believe Mug. You'll just need to take a picture or record a video to show the number of mugs that were made and send it to me so I can declare the winner. Please contact me if you'd like more info at

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