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Do You Use Essential Oils (or Want to)? [Video]

Hey Friend!

It's been a little while since I've done a video. I get camera shy at times, but God always gives me the courage to get back doing what I need to do. ;)

Today's video is about essential oils, how they can easily be part of a healthy, natural, cancer-preventing or cancer-fighting regimen! I'll show you some of the ways they've naturally become a bigger part of my daily routine and how you can benefit from them as well. They're safe if you know how to use them (I'll help you know how) and fun when you use them to make your own body care items and home cleaning products. They smell great and can even boost your mood! (Maybe that's why I enjoyed making this video so much ;) )

Below are the links I reference in the video...

DIY Green Cleaning Recipes by my friend Jen Garry from Cuddles and Chaos (Jen helped organize a fundraiser so I could afford to go to Mexico for treatment! <3)

Enjoy, and have a super day!

Bailey :)

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