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App for Young Adults and Their Families Dealing with Cancer

Hey friend!

Happy New Year! (Can I still say that?) ;)

I'm so excited because today I found out that Stupid Cancer released their new app that connects young adult cancer thrivers and their caregivers with others dealing with similar situations! It's only available for iOS devices at the moment but the Android version will be out soon, and I am not 100% sure it's available outside the US but I've reached out to my friend and Stupid Cancer founder Matthew Zachary (who I interviewed last year) to find out.

Please share this resource with those who may want to use it. Even if your loved one/friend/acquaintance doesn't want to socialize at the moment, maybe he or she will be interested in using the app at some point in the future. I was a bit closed off during my cancer days and never wanted to attend a support group (even for young adults), but had this app been available at the time I might've used it!

There may not be many people on there using the same treatment approach you or your loved one take but hopefully the people encountered on there will at least be open-minded and common ground will be found. The first time I attended a Stupid Cancer event I was afraid of potential opposition to my alternative treatment approach, but I was quite relieved and comforted that I was accepted just like everyone else! I also learned a lot from hearing what other people went/are going through.

If you're not a young adult or caring for one but are looking to connect with others you can also check out the HealingStrong website and Facebook groups like Gerson Therapy Support Group, Conquer Cancer with Complementary and Alternative Methods! and Alternative Cancer Clinic Reviews. The ones just mentioned are free and there are many others like them that are easy to find - once you "like" one, others will pop up like ads. However you may also consider purchasing Chris Wark's Square One online cancer coaching program, which will enable you to join the large private SQ1 Facebook group. People frequently post, share and pray for each other in there.

Have a wonderful day and we'll chat soon!

Bailey :)

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