The Food Revolution Summit, a Survey & One More Thing!
Hey friend!
Just a few updates for you this evening/morning/afternoon depending on where you are and when you read this...!
1) The Food Revolution Summit
2) Something to look forward to...
3) A survey!
1) Today is day 4 of the Food Revolution Summit (sorry I'm late on this!), a free 9-day online event containing interviews with top influencers for a healthier planet, put on by the Food Revolution Network founders and father-son duo, John and Ocean Robbins.
Does the name Robbins sound familiar? As in, Baskin-Robbins? Well, at around 20 or 21 years old John Robbins was lined up to inherit his father's world-famous ice cream company; however, he turned down the entire, massive inheritance for conscience sake, to instead pursue a more healthy (and much less lucrative) cause - educating, equipping and inspiring people to heal their bodies and the world with nutrition! In the decades since, he's received a bunch of awards, written a lot of books and done a ton of cool stuff that could take up the rest of this email, so for the sake of time I'll just mention his summit (or you can hear a bit of his story here)!
We've missed a few days of the summit but there are still many interviews conducted by John and Ocean to look forward to, with people like Dean Ornish, David Katz, Senator Cory Booker and someone I admire and met this past weekend at an event in Arizona - chemo-free stage 3 colon cancer survivor, Chris Wark from! I've listened to today's summit speakers (which will be replaying tonight and tomorrow morning) and they were fantastic; I trust that the rest (including Chris') will be equally inspiring for both me and you!
2) When I met Chris Wark a few days ago he asked if I would do an interview with him, so of course, I did! He will be posting the interview on his blog within the next couple of weeks and I will let you know when he does!
3) In an effort to understand you and your needs better, I've created a survey that I would really appreciate you filling out. It'll be quick - 15 questions (mostly multiple choice) and a couple minutes of your time. You are the reason I write these articles, so if you could just take a moment of your time to complete the survey I will in turn be able to understand you better and give you more of what you want and less of what you don't want!
Your identity will remain anonymous as I will only see the information you provide during the survey. Take it here...
Thanks so much, and I hope you're having a great week!
To your health and happiness,
(Below is a picture of me with Chris from