Encouragement for October: Remember to Breathe

Now that we’re pretty much full swing into the new school year, how are you doing? Compared to the summer, how's your workload? Maybe things are beginning to slow down for you if summer is your busy season; or maybe your work is consistent year-round and things haven't changed much; or maybe, if you're like many of us, including the teachers out there, you're part of a group that feels like a bunch of chickens running around with their heads cut off. ;) Funny visual, isn’t it?

Source: http://alittlegirlgrowsup.com/2015/01/15/lessons-from-a-chicken/
If you’re at all like me and feel pressed for time, tempted to become impatient, cranky, selfish, say no to things I know I should do, and say things I don’t mean in a way I will regret, let me tell you a quick story.
This past Monday I enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition’s yearlong online health coaching program (yay!), and as I watched one of the introductory videos my heart raced with both excitement and anxiety – excitement because I knew the program would give me more knowledge and confidence to help others improve their health and wellbeing, anxiety because it would also take up significant time and I wasn’t sure how I’d manage that.
However, the woman in the video seemed to know what was going through my mind, “What should you do first?” – She inhales, then exhales – “Breathe. Take a deep breath. You’re on an exciting journey…” I breathed in, then out, and immediately felt calmer. “Through it all, remember to breathe.”
What the woman in the video said is true both for me and for you: we’re on an exciting adventure! Whether in a busy, average or slow season, whatever we need to get done, we can get done while keeping our heads. We don’t need to see how things will work out, but we need to trust that they will, and breathe.
Take a deep breath in and out…
Feel any different?
Whether it is an intentional exercise as a meditation, or a result of another form of meditation such as reading scripture, taking deeper breaths throughout your day can help you stay calm in the midst of a busy lifestyle. The goal is to enjoy the ride. Look at how little kids have such fun and joy in their lives. Fun and joy are meant for us adults, too. It’s a great life we live! :)

Just remember to breathe. :) Have a great month!
Much love,
photo credit: http://bit.ly/1YPJXTN