Jen's Breast Cancer Healing Story (The Prodigal Table)!
Hi friend!
I am so excited to share this interview with you! Jen Hartney is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, an engineer who worked active duty in an aviation unit turned stay-at-home mother to five children. She is also a breast cancer survivor who at the age of 35 and while 38 weeks pregnant with her fifth child was diagnosed with breast cancer. Jen endured multiple surgeries, during one of which she nearly died on the operating table.
Healing was no easy road even for this disciplined woman, and you may find it encouraging or at least relatable to hear that in our interview Jen says, "If someone had told me that [God works all things together for good of those who love Him], I probably would've punched them."
However, looking back, Jen describes her journey as one of grace:
"The good that they're talking about is your heart, and your relationship with God. And when you look at it from that perspective, everything was used for my good because I came to know God in a much deeper way and in a much more personal way, in a way where I dealt with just a lot of processing through trauma in my past and just realizing that His love for me is unconditional. And that sometimes it takes going through a crazy valley like cancer and then almost dying in order to realize the depths of His love for me."
Jen objectively considered all treatment options, including chemo, radiation and Tamoxifen, as she knew people who had survived cancer using both conventional and alternative methods and was open to whichever path God would lead her on. She sought the opinions of both her local doctors and doctors at the world-renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, and prayed that she and her husband, who could fully interpret the often confusing scientific study statistics, would come to an agreement on the best course of treatment post-surgery. Thankfully, they did.
Jen chose to forego further conventional treatments as recommended by her oncologists and instead committed to an intensive nutritional healing regimen, including lots of fresh vegetable juicing, green smoothies and detoxifying with supplements. Because she didn't feel well on a strictly vegetarian diet (as I've also found with some of my coaching clients), she adapted what she would call a "nutrient-dense diet," somewhat resembling the Weston Price diet - think what you might eat if you lived on a farm - lots of veggies and some animal proteins. Jen has now been cancer-free for over three years!
Along with encouragement from her husband and a nudge from God, Jen has also found a new part-time calling - teaching others about her cancer-preventing diet and lifestyle through recipes, coaching and more. Fortunately, Jen has found that her lifestyle is not only applicable to helping prevent cancer, but also many other chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, etc., with the added benefit of aging gracefully. ;) Thus, The Prodigal Table was born.
Please click here to hear Jen's whole story in her own words, and share with others!
Have a wonderful day!
P.S. Below is a picture of Jen's latest PET-CT scan results, which she graciously gave me to share with you.