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How could I ever walk away from what my doctor is recommending?

Hey friend!

l hope this finds you well!

My dear friend Suzy Griswold was diagnosed with metastatic thyroid cancer in 2009 and beat it after doing both conventional treatments and a radical diet and lifestyle change, like me.

After her complete recovery she couldn't wait to share the information and success she had with others, throwing a big party, called the HealingStrong Conference in 2013 with well-known speakers and experts such as Chris Wark, Dr. Linda Isaacs, Ty Bollinger and Dr. Robert Scott Bell.

Since then she also co-founded HealingStrong with another friend, Cortney Campbell, to provide support groups around the world; co-wrote a curriculum for these groups, and now written a book!

The book is a compilation of information and inspiration that led her to 5 "Aha!" moments that ultimately led her to pursue natural healing methods, largely based on the Gerson Therapy. It includes 15 healing stories, including Suzy's, Cortney's, Chris Wark's, Ivelisse Page's and mine.

The book is available on Amazon and all proceeds go toward furthering the HealingStrong mission of providing information and tangible love and encouragement to people fighting for their lives.

It's a perfect gift for yourself of a loved one this Christmas. Hope is here!! :)

Enjoy, and have a wonderful day!

Bailey :)

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